Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectra (FORS) of Pictorial Materials in the 270-1700 nm range


  • M. Bacci, M. Picollo, G. Trumpy, M. Tsukada, D. Kunzelman: Non-invasive identification of white pigments on 20th century oil paintings by using fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy" Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 46, (2007). 27-37.
  • M. Bacci, A. Casini, M. Picollo, B. Radicati, and L. Stefani: "Integrated non-invasive technologies for the diagnosis and conservation of the cultural heritage" Journal of Neutron Research, 14/1, (2006), 11-16.
  • M. Bacci, D. Magrini, M. Picollo, B. Radicati, G. Trumpy, M. Tsukada, D. Kunzelman: "Modern white pigments: their identification by means of non-invasive ultraviolet, visible and infrared fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy" Atti Congresso Modern Paints Uncovered, Londra 16-19/05/2006. In press
  • A. Casini, M. Bacci, C. Cucci, F. Lotti, S. Porcinai, M. Picollo, B. Radicati, M. Poggesi, L. Stefani "Fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy and hyper-spectral image spectroscopy: two integrated techniques for the study of the Madonna dei Fusi": in "Optical Methods for Arts and Archaeology" Aug. 2005 Proc. SPIE Vol. 5857, p. 177-184 R. Salimbeni, L. Pezzati Eds.
  • M. Bacci, C. Cucci, M. Picollo, S. Porcinai, B. Pretzel, and B. Radicati, "Control of the Colour Evolution with Time of a Luca Signorelli Painting", in Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Colour Association, Granada (Granada, 2005), pp. 623-626.
  • M. Bacci, R. Bellucci, C. Cucci, C. Frosinini, M. Picollo, S. Porcinai and B. Radicati, "Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy in the Entire VIS-IR Range: a Powerful Tool for the Non-invasive Characterization of Paintings", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 852 (2005) OO.2.4.1 - OO.2.4.6.
  • M. Bacci, A. Casini, C. Cucci, M. Picollo, B. Radicati, M. Vervat: "Non-invasive spectroscopic measurements on the Il ritratto della figliastra by Giovanni Fattori: identification of pigments and colourimetric analysis" Journal of Cultural Heritage, 4, (2003), 329-336.
  • I. Cazenobe, M. Bacci, M. Picollo, B. Radicati, G. Bacci, S. Conti, G. Lanterna, S. Porcinai, "Non-destructive spectroscopic investigations of dyed textiles: an application to yellow dyed wool samples", Preprints of the 13th Triennial ICOM Meeting, Rio de Janeiro (2002), pp. 238-244.
  • M. Bacci, I. Cazenobe, M. Picollo, S. Porcinai and B. Radicati, " Non-destructive spectroscopic investigations of dyed textiles", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology for the safeguard of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean Basin, Alcalà de Henares, Spain (2001), pp. 267-271.
  • M. Bacci, M. Picollo, S. Porcinai and B. Radicati: "Non-destructive spectrophotometric investigations of paintings: some recent advances" Proceedings of Art et chimie, la couleur, CNRS Editions (2000), pp.187-190.
  • A. Aldrovandi, M. Picollo: "I materiali pittorici: studio colorimetrico di stesure campione mediante spettroscopia in riflettanza". OPD Restauro, 12 (2000), pp. 159-164.
  • M. Picollo and B. Radicati: "Probe-Heads for Reflectance Measurements on Paintings and Textiles" Atti di OFS2000 14th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Venezia (2000), SPIE Vol. 4185, pp. 432-435.
  • M. Bacci, A. Orlando, M. Picollo, B. Radicati and G. Lanterna: "Colour analysis of historical red lakes using non-destructive reflectance spectroscopy " Proceedings of the Compatible materials for the protection of cultural heritage, PACT58 (2000), pp. 21-35.
  • M. Bacci, A. Casini, F. Lotti, M. Picollo, S. Porcinai: "Non-invasive spectroscopic methods for the characterisation of painted surfaces" Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Rome (1999), pp. 5-13.
  • M. Picollo, S. Porcinai: "Non destructive spectroscopic investigations on artworks" in Recent Research Developments in Applied Spectroscopy, 2 (1999), pp. 125-135, Research Signpost ed.
  • M. Bacci, A. Casini, F. Lotti, M. Picollo and S. Porcinai: "Near infrared investigations of works of art" Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on NIR, Verona (1999), Edited by A.M.C. Davies and R. Giangiacomo, NIR Pubblications 2000, pp. 31-35.
  • A. Aldrovandi, M. Picollo, B. Radicati: "I materiali pittorici: analisi di stesure campione mediante spettroscopia in riflettanza nelle regioni dell'ultravioletto, del visibile e del vicino infrarosso". OPD Restauro, 10 (1998), pp. 69-74.
  • M. Bacci, M. Picollo, B. Radicati, A. Casini, F. Lotti and L. Stefani: "Non-destructive investigation of wall painting pigments by means of fibre-optic reflectance spectroscopy" Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage 7 (1998), pp. 73-81.
  • M. Bacci, M. Picollo, S. Porcinai and B. Radicati: "Spectrophotometry and colour measurements" Techne 5 (1997), pp. 28-33.
  • M. Bacci and M. Picollo: "Non-destructive detection of Co(II) in paintings and glasses" Studies in Conservation 41 (1996), pp. 136-144.
  • M. Bacci, A. Casini, F. Lotti and M. Picollo: "Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy and Spectral Imaging for Conservation". Proceedings of The 18th International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property - Spectrometric Examination in Conservation, Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties (1996), pp. 97-107.
  • M. Bacci, M. Picollo, B. Radicati: "Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy: a non-destructive and non-invasive technique for the identification of blue pigments" Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Microanalytical Methods and Environmental Evaluation for Study and Conservation of Works of Art, Budapest (1996), pp. 89-100.
  • M. Bacci, M. Picollo, B. Radicati and R. Bellucci : "Spectroscopic Imaging and non-destructive reflectance investigations using fiber optics". Proceedings of 4th International Conference Non-Destructive Testing of Works of Art, Berlin (1994), pp. 162-174.
  • M. Bacci, F. Baldini, R. Carlà, R. Linari, M. Picollo, B. Radicati: "A Color Analysis of the Brancacci Chapel Frescoes. Part II". Applied Spectroscopy, 47 (4/1993), pp. 399-402.
  • M. Bacci, S. Baronti, A. Casini, F. Lotti, M. Picollo, O. Casazza: "Non-destructive spectroscopic investigations on paintings using optical fibers". Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 267 (1992) pp. 265-283.
  • R. Linari, M. Picollo, B. Radicati: "Schede di caratterizzazione di pigmenti usati in pittura". Report I.R.O.E. TR/POE/92.7, Florence (I), (1992).
  • M. Bacci, F. Baldini, R. Carlà, R. Linari: "A Color Analysis of the Brancacci Chapel Frescoes". Applied Spectroscopy, 45 (1/1991), pp. 26-31.
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